Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Spring into Love

Hello and Welcome! I am beyond excited to introduce our newest blog series: Spring into Love! For the next 4 weeks as we prepare for Spring, we're going to focus on blooming our love life, which may have fallen asleep in the cold of winter.

Spring is about a fresh start with a new spirit and new connections. It's a time to rekindle all relationships, including those with our children, family, friends and our significant other. However, this blog series will focus on rekindling our intimate relationships.

Before we can understand how to renew those relationships, we need to understand our love language and the love language of others.

"The 5 Love Languages" by Gary Chapman is a fabulous book and I highly recommend it. The first step in this blog series is to go to the 5 love languages website and take the test.

Often times, we want to give of ourselves but we're not always sure how. Because of this we become scared and guarded. The love languages test gives us the tools we need to give and receive love with confidence and understanding.

I hope you take the love languages test and you encourage your significant other to do the same. Have a lovely week!

All the best,


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